Thursday, October 31, 2019

Crap ( this professor is horrible) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crap ( this professor is horrible) - Assignment Example Students learn about organization theory not only because it is a must, but because they acquire the skills essential for theorizing. For example, students examine themselves once in a while and this allows them to form ideas and expectations that are likely to motivate them to theorize. It is a process that would not work when there is no training. Most students would also not care to take it seriously, if it were not a requirement. Hence, because it is a requirement, a student has to train and learn everyday about organization theory. Moreover, it ensures that their theorizing skill gets refined, resulting to students with accumulated body of knowledge. The other purpose is that it guides research (Professor Kelsey, 2012). To researchers, knowing how to learn and apply organizational theory allows them to adopt a positive view of an organization. A view that is less mechanical. For this reason, researchers carrying out surveys on organizations pay more attention to the staff members, seeking to establish how human satisfaction functions in an organization. Organizational theory informs practice in three different ways. The first way is that it forms a frame of reference. Application of organizational theory in organizations, allows members of an organization to take note of how the political and human resource flames relate to them. For instance, the human resource frames in an organization reflect on its management and the political frames show its leadership relations (Nelson & Quick, 2012). The theory allows leaders to understand the nature of organizations, which in turn allows them to know how to deal with certain organizational situations. Such knowledge allows the leaders to know how to manage the organization most effectively. The other way that the theory informs practice is that it acts as a guide to reflective decision-making. Correctly applying organizational theory influences the behavior or the people applying it

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

SHORT BIOGRAPHY HISTORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SHORT BIOGRAPHY HISTORY - Essay Example Furthermore, living near the borders must have accentuated his â€Å"difference† from the dominant white class. Nevertheless, it could be that because of his difference that he enjoyed life from another perspective. In â€Å"The Secret Lion,† Rà ­os shows that human nature and nature nurtured his intellectual, social, and emotional development as a biracial adolescent. Human nature’s tendency to seek for freedom and opportunity dominated Rà ­os’ teenage life. When he and his friend Sergio found a â€Å"cannonball,† they called it a â€Å"lion† (Rà ­os par. 1). The title says it is a secret lion, because they told no one of this â€Å"treasure† that they found. This lion represents freedom and opportunities. It allowed Alberto and Sergio the freedom to own something no one can take away from them. Being twelve years old, they know that adults will only confiscate their discovery. Rà ­os says: â€Å"That’s the way it works with little kids†¦Junior high kids too† (6). Adults are shown as thieves of innocent happiness. It is up to Alberto to use his human nature to protect what he thinks is his. So they take this cannon ball and hide it and never tell anyone about it, especially adults. The â€Å"lion† also stands for something mystically strong and perfect. Having this ball in their poss ession gives them the opportunity to feel something â€Å"perfect† in their lives. It is round and therefore â€Å"perfect and it spreads perfection to its beholders (5). It is â€Å"heavy† and they feel its importance. If they have something important, then they too are important. They do not have to feel smaller, as some minorities do in dominant white cultures. They can be round and perfect; they can be special like this lion. When Alberto says that this ball changed them, he implies that it made them â€Å"roar† (1). They have found a symbol of empowerment. A cannon ball explodes. It has inert power that is waiting to be released. Alberto must have felt this lion is him

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Health and Safety Processes at Work: Chemical Hazards

Health and Safety Processes at Work: Chemical Hazards France Ogagarue Managing Health and Safety Process at Work Topic: Chemical Hazards 1.0 Introduction Chemical Hazard under the (WHS Directives) is any material, mix or article that satisfies the  criteria of one or additional internationally harmonised system of category and classification  of chemical hazards classes, counting in (WHS Directives in schedule section 6 of the directive) in relative to chemical, a chemical hazard is a set of natural properties of the material, mix article or process that may cause unfavourable effect to the organisms, community or environments. (WHS Directives) analysis further, there are two main types of chemical hazards connected with hazardous chemicals, which may present an instant or long term damage or health illness to worker well-being and creature. The two main types of chemical hazards are classified as follows. According to (WHS Directives) health hazards, this are properties chemical that contain the potential to cause unfavourable health effect, for examples, exposure frequently occur throughout inhalation, and skin contacts or ingestion, unfavourable health effect can been either, (acute short term) or (chronic long term) classic acute health effects comprise of headaches, vomiting or skin decay, while chronic health effects comprise of dermatitis, nerve damage, cancer and asthma. Further examination from (WHS Directives) physicochemical hazards, this are physical or chemical properties of the material that mix or article that pretence risks to worker health, and other than health risks, they do not arise as result of the organic contact of the chemical with peoples. They arise throughout unsuitable handling or use and can frequently effects in damage to peoples and or harm to properties as effect of the intrinsic physical hazard, examples, of physicochemical hazards contain explosive, corrosive or flammable, therefore, chemically reactive and oxidising chemicals both have health and physiochemical hazardous. Management Intervention Bretherick, L. Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards. 2nd ed. (1979) chemical analysis the role of management intervention must included risk appraisal under (WHS Directive) although it’s necessary for specific situation, for examples, when working with hazardous chemical materials. However, management though in many situation it will be the greatest way to establish the measure that have to be implement to control hazards and risks in the workplace including the environment, (EMS-ISO 4001) BS. In addition, management intervention will assist the following for examples. Recognize which worker well-being, are at risk to chemical hazards exposure Establish which sources and process are causing the chemical hazards and risks Categorize what kind of control and monitoring measure should be implement Verification of the efficiency of the existing control measure and monitoring systems in place When the hazards and the related risks are well know, and have well be set up and established suitable adequate control measure to monitor the hazards chemical risk in the work environments, the risk appraisal must also judge anticipated failure of plant and machinery tooling equipments, as well as any additional control measure to avoid the hazards chemical risk of workers, community and the environment issue in line with (EMS-ISO 4001) BS. 1.2. Management Best Practice Hilado, C.J. Clack. Organic Solvent, Chem. Eng, NY, (1972), (19), (75-80) beliefs, management must implement their best safety practice to intervene with reference to (WHS Directives. R. 330) to ensure the producer or the importer must put in practise a safety symbol of safety date sheet for the hazardous chemical before initial developed or import hazardous chemical or as quickly as best practicable after the initial developed or import and before initial supply, to any work place. Therefore, the producer or the importer of the hazardous chemical must supply up to date the safety data sheet for the hazardous chemical. 1.3 Labels NIOSH OSHA Product Guide to Chemical Hazards, (NIOSH) September (1978), Public, No, (78) analysis, the producer and the importer of a hazardous chemical must ensure it’s properly label as quickly as best practicable, after developed or importing the hazardous chemical substances under (WHS Directive. R. 335), hazardous chemical information will be accessible from the label, some product labels do not enclose all chemical hazards information, and i.e. all hazards chemical substances that are dangerous goods are full labelled to meet safety transport requirements. Below some examples of safety hazardous chemical label cautions and the types of hazardous hazards you can simply identify. Flammable Acute Toxicity Warning Human Health Corrosive Sources: Http://www.HSG 65 1.4 Control Measure Proctor, N. Hughes, Hazards in the Workplace, (1978) analysis the hierarchy of control of hazards chemical readily available in a quantity of ways to control the risks related with hazardous chemical substances, several machines control measure are extra effective than others, control measure can been rank starting the highest levels of defence and dependability to the lowest levels. These ranking is recognized as the hierarchy of control measure and monitoring systems. Management of hazards chemical substance, must always aim to eliminate a hazards and related risks initial, if these is not reasonably best practicable, the risks should be minimised by means of one or the following approach techniques either by for examples, the followings. By Substitution. By Isolation and, By implementing engineering control guards. If a risk then leftovers, it must be minimised by implement an administrative control measure in places, so far as is reasonably best practicable means, any leftover risks must be minimised with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). In summary it’s advisable to implement local exhaust ventilation systems to arrest airborne contamination substance that will cause hazardous chemical harm to workers well-being, working environment and the community the ventilation must be in safety order to stop contamination of chemical substance harm from incoming contact toward the breathing zone in relation to the workers health and safety. 1.5 Conclusion In occupational health and safety, chemical hazard is any material that has be mix or article of difference combination of chemical substance, under (WHS Directive) that can lead to cause harm to well-being of workers health and safety at the working place and environments or the community in general. The health effect from hazardous chemical can contribute to either acute short term or chronic long term health effects; therefore, risk appraisal is necessary for a specific situation to manage the hazards chemical substance within the working place to recognize which worker at risk to hazardous chemical. Therefore, hierarchy of control measure of hazards chemical issue have be implements in the working place to monitors and minimised the risks level of workers expose to the above hazards, the risks control measure must aim to eliminate the risks and hazards associated the chemical substances either by the following ways, by substitution, isolation or implementing engineering or an adm inistrative control measure including the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Leo Tolstoys The Death of Ivan Ilyich Essays -- Leo Tolstoy Death Iva

Leo Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich I related readily with Ivan Ilyich, the main character in Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich. There was a time when I myself lived my life without regard to the spirituality of life. I, however, was very lucky in that it did not take death looming over my head to realize this. Maybe the fact that my bout of depression’s onset happened sooner in life allowed me to see it sooner. Eric Simpson put it best as â€Å"We all die, like Ilyich, and if we only live to live, to create and carve our own meaning into the universe, then life itself becomes ultimately meaningless and painfully insignificant.† The key point here is the â€Å"painfully insignificant†(Simpson). Depression snuck up on me like old age will, forty times quicker. Ilyich manages to cover his depression by compartmentalizing his feelings from his thoughts and by becoming a workaholic. Doing this, he had a means of either dismissing his depression or drowning it in work. Ivan Ilyich did not notice his depression and lack of spirituality until three days prior to his death. It is not until Ilyich asks himself, â€Å"What if my whole life has really been wrong?†(Tolstoy 1203), and comes up with an affirmitave answer that Ilyich tries to find a way to rectify his situation. His solution is painfully simple, spare his family the heartache of his dying and to just get it over with. My solution was quite different. I came up with two simple rules. The number one rule of feeling better is to help strangers whenever possible. For example, last Wednesday, my car broke down on Route 7. I did not have a cell-phone and there wasn’t a payphone in sight. Since I had a paper due, I started hitchhiking to class. After about five minut... ...d Western doctrines. He also points out Ilyich’s total lack of spirituality and the feeling of a wasted life. Simpson points out these differences and includes Biblical quotes to back it up with great insight, getting to a level of depth that could confuse some readers but has shown this reader something I would never have thought of on my own. Novel Analysis: Death of Ivan Illich. 12 April 2001 This author explains how Ilyich’s life is a ‘front’ for the sake of propriety. Also, the author points out that Ilyich is not aware of this until just days before he dies. A very short interpretation, but one that completely backs me up. Note: All quotes from Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich are from the following edition: Literature: Reading and Writing the Human Experience. Seventh ed. Ed. Richard Abcarian and Marvin Klotz. New York: St. Martin’s, 1998.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Cataclysm in Repose Essay

Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings† is a short story that fuses together magical and realistic elements. In an interview, Marquez explains the influences and origins of this unique style of writing. The story (not surprisingly) is about an old man with enormous wings who somehow ends up in a small Caribbean or Central American town and the events that surround this occurrence. The story is written in such a way that magical elements appear in a seemingly realistic setting. The interview with Marquez, although never specifically mentioning the story, provides insight as to how he achieves writing in this oxymoronic style. Marquez attributes his magical-realistic style of writing to the reciprocal relationship between novels and journalism. Marquez says that his â€Å"†¦true profession is that of a journalist (131.† This background in journalism helps keep his writing in â€Å"†¦a close relationship with reality (137).† Marquez further states that trying to â€Å"transpose† reality can lead to losing contact with it and journalism is a good guard against that. As a journalist Gabriel Garcia Marquez believes that writing is hard work that requires a certain technique with structure and careful attention to detail. Marquez also describes a â€Å"journalistic trick (138)† used to make things credible; saying that there are four hundred and twenty-five elephants in the sky is much more believable than simply stating there are elephants in the sky. Evidence of this journalistic influence is clearly seen throughout â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings† and thi s makes the story seem much more believable. Another important aspect of Marquez’s writing is his use of vivid imagery. He began writing by drawing cartoons and in â€Å"†¦ the genesis of all [his] books there’s always an image (143),† such as a photograph. Gabriel Garcia Marquez visited his hometown and he experienced it as everything in the town evolved into literature. Marquez follows by saying that â€Å"it’s always easy to tell whether a writer is writing about something that has happened to him or something he has read or been told (136).† Writing on his birthplace adds a sense of realism and imagery to the story. Marquez also gives credit to his  grandmother’s â€Å"brick face† style of story telling as an influence to his writing. â€Å"She told things that sounded supernatural and fantastic, but she told them with complete naturalness (138).† The combination of these elements adds to the authenticity and colorfulness of Marquez’s stories. Gabriel Garcia Marquez explains, in his interview, the importance of the first paragraph as setting the tone for the rest of the story. â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings† is no exception. The story begins with a reference to Marquez’s fascination with plagues as he describes an abundance of crabs after three days of rain. Marquez continues by saying that â€Å"the world had been sad since Tuesday. Sea and Sky were a single ash-gray thing†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This is an example of the aforementioned journalistic trick which makes the sadness more believable. There is a convergence with the interview when Marquez says that every Mexican he sees in Europe leaves the following Wednesday, as opposed to any other day. The â€Å"ash-gray† description also provides a vivid image of the sea and sky. The first paragraph ends with an introduction of the old man, â€Å"†¦impeded by his enormous wings.† This does indeed set the tone for the rest of the story with detailed descriptions, sharp imagery and the magical-realistic elements are introduced. The story continues with a detailed, precise, and unconventional description of an angel. Word about the angel gets out, and many people come to see him, including the Priest, Father Gonzaga. There is evidence, in the beginning of the story that the setting is in a small Caribbean or Central America town, such as the one Marquez grew up in. Statements like â€Å"†¦everyone knew†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , â€Å"neighbor women† and referring to the priest as Father Gonzaga give the image of a small Spanish-speaking town. The credibility of the winged man as an angel is questioned in the story by Father Gonzaga. The visiting people torture and test the patience of the angel. Eventually, a carnival took the attention away from him, including a â€Å"†¦woman who had been changed into a spider for having disobeyed her parents (572),† another example of the journalistic trick. An example of the brick faced story telling appears when things return to the â€Å"†¦time it had rained for three days and crabs walked through the bedroom (573).† The paragraph simply ends here, with something completely fantastical told as if it were completely normal. The keepers of  the angel profit at the angel’s expense until people no longer care to see him and eventually the angel regains his strength and flies away ungracefully. The interview did not specifically address â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings† and therefore it was not useful in understanding the story nor did it take anything away from it. The interview was, however, effective and useful in understanding how Marquez can effectively write in such a unique style. The way the story seems to be so believable yet at the same time so fantastical is explained. If I could ask Gabriel Garcia Marquez another question, I would like to know more about what he meant by the â€Å"intellectual writing† and more on the influence of politics in his writing. Being a Marxist, how did this affect the non-traditional representation of the angel? I found that, in general, the interview provided helpful insight on what makes Marquez’s magical-realistic writing so vivid and believable. Work Cited Stone, Peter H. An interview with Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Unknown date and publisher. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. â€Å"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings.† The Story and it’s Writer. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s ., 2003.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Administrative Matrix

Associate Level Material Appendix C: Administrative Matrix Instructions: Complete the Administrative Matrix located below. You are expected to identify and explain the functions and roles of management. This information is based on the four functions of management. By providing an example, you demonstrate an understanding of each management function. | | | |Function |Role of Management |Example | |Leading |This includes interpersonal roles, subordinates within the |A manager has the responsibility to lead by example within the | | |organization, and persons external to the organization. Three |organization.It is important to model the behavior subordinates| | |interpersonal roles include figurehead, leader, and liaison |are expected to fulfill | |Top managers |Individuals who are responsible for making |In my company these are 7s they make sure that all policies are | | |decisions about the direction of the |signed by staff and that everyone knows what is going on in the | | |organiz ation and establishing policies that |company. They are rarely ever seen unless a situation needs | | |affect all organizational members. addressing and they are normally the voice of the HR department | |Middle Managers |Individuals who are typically responsible for |In my company these are called 6s they usually are in an office | | |translating goals set by top managers into |setting and do not have to take care of the individuals, but | | |specific details that lower-level managers will |they do make schedules, make sure everyone shows up for work and| | |see get done. also make sure that when overtime is available everyone works | | | |accordingly | |First line managers |Supervisors responsible for directing the day-today |In my company these are established by numbers they would be a 5| | |activities of nonmanagerial employees |someone who works directly with us doing the same work, but also| | | |overseeing what we do and doing all the daily paperwork to make | | | |sure we d o what is best for our individuals |